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Individual snow removal instruction for flat roofs

Snow removal instruction is a mandatory document with which every large-scale building must be equipped. This is a step towards increased safety, but also a real support for snow removal work. Sense Monitoring experts are willing to prepare a snow removal manual for you – comprehensive, personalized, adapted to the applicable regulations. It is a supplement to the existing offer, which takes it to a new, even higher level.

Snow removal instruction important benefits

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One document with all snow removal tasks. Developed by professionals with safety and your work comfort in mind.
Szybsza praca z bezpieczną rampą

Methods and tools

The document includes snow removal methods adapted to the characteristics of your building. It is also a list of tools and a detailed description of the snow cover measurement method.

Special advices

Snow clearing instructions are also a set of practical tips that will make the process of removing snow from the roof much more efficient. These are valuable tips based on many years of experience.
flat roof snow removal instruction

Experience, knowledge and regulations

A personalized flat roof snow removal instruction is a comprehensive document prepared by a team of experts. The information contained in it results from many years of experience, knowledge gained during major studies, as well as practice. Created on the basis of the characteristics of the indicated building, design documents and a local vision, it supports your activities at every stage. This is a fair analysis that you can trust.

How does this instruction look like? It should definitely contain a description of the tools used to monitor the thickness of the snow cover and to measure the deflection of the structure.
Are you not sure if there is something missing in your manual? Just click the button below, and contact us.

monter na dachu

Consideration of health and safety rules

Nothing works in a vacuum, so the manual we will create for you will comply not only construction law, but also with health and safety regulations. It will indicate what permissions employees have to remove snow from the roof, and it will also clearly define how to secure the workplace and the area around it. These are practical tips that you can be sure, all are up-to-date and in accordance with the applicable standards.

odśnieżanie dachu łopatą

Snow cover measurement

The instruction includes a manual and automatic method of measuring snow cover on a flat roof. Both are presented in detail, so you can implement them immediately. Whether you choose the traditional method or a modern solution based on electronic roof monitoring (for example using Sense S-One sensors), you can relax – this plan was created by experts.

Do you want to improve your work and secure the roof of the facility you manage? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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